Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Has anybody read the Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother or seen an interview with Amy Chua?
What do you think of her ideas? I find it funny that in amazon there are like 200 people giving it 5 stars and 150 giving it the lowest rating lol.
Who makes the most supportive bras?
Im currently pregnant and have grown to a size DD bra. I have found that Victoria Secret bras are not very supportive once you reach this size. I would hate to lose the perky form of my , and rush into gravity pull lol May anyone know who designs the most supportive bras that are not completely grotesque
Clothes for an interview...?
If you have an interview at a clothing store, do you want the more professional look or do you want a look that says, "I have style, the kind your store has".. I don't own a thing from this store but I'm so worried about what to wear. I hear "jeans" or "skirts" but I have no idea.. shirts are easy enough and jewelry but no idea what to wear on the bottom! i have this skirt - http://www.target.com/gp/detail.html/ref=br_1_9/602-5906622-0126207?ie=UTF8&frombrowse=1&asin=B000RFLRIM but i dont know if thats nice enough? and can these jeans p for an interview, if paired with a nic shirt and heels/wedges? http://www.ae.com/web/browse/product.jsp?catId=cat90120&productId=1435_7940
Ummmm can any one help me out?
Ummm the past few days the discharg on my undies felt like i peed my self and had like a drop of sticky stuff on my undies and it soaked through them aswell does that mean im going to get my period soon?
What kinds of things do you do to mess with Student Drivers?
I pretend like I am going to swerve into their lane, then I slowly raise my hand to the window and extend my middle finger so that it is perpendicular to the rest of my hand, all whilst exhibiting a really creepy smile.
I'm tired of dreaming everyday. Help?!?
there isn't really much you can do to control your dreaming habits... dreams occur whenever && we have no control over that. the best thing i can think to tell you is to avoid things before you go to bed like t.v. && internet and see if that helps.
Do "Qu'est-ce que vous exportez?" and "Que exportez-vous?" have the same response as listed below?
Given, "J'exporte des magnetoscopes." [sorry i can't put in the accent marks on this part] can you form the questions I listed above. I am using text called DK Hugo French in Three Months, on the back it has the answers for you to check. From the examples that it should me I could say, Qu'est-ce que vous exportez? but the back gives the inversion way of making french questions, Que exportez-vous?. Are the correct both ways?
Will I ever enjoy again?
With my first son I had an episiotomy and it hurt for about a year. Likewise with my second son, I tore and it was painful and then just very tender for about a year. Just try and take it slow, relax, and if it really hurts, just stop. If you are feeding that will also contribute to l dryness and does not help the situation. Honestly my advice is lots of lube, taking it slow, and booze. Not enough to get you wasted, but 2-3 gles of wine or beers work wonders for relaxation. At some point it should stop hurting but if it doesn't you need to consult your GYN. Also consider other forms of , ahem such as (it is a rare man that turns down a bj) and you will most likely enjoy some yourself. You can also use vibrators, just don't insert them if there is pain. With my tear, I actually tore up near my oris, not even in the l hole. Don't ask how, I don't know. But it sucked for a good while.
Why do most people think that the Samurai were conservative,refusing to adopt European weaponry?
The part you are missing is that the Japanese at a point in their culture actually went backwards and removed guns from their society to the point that when Europeans returned to Japan in the 1800s after being kicked out for the most part in the 1600s it looked to the Europeans that the Japanese were not well versed in firearms use. The Japanese had to start buying and making for themselves new modern firearms all over again to make up for lost time. (they did this amazingly fast) You should find a used copy of the book called>> Giving up the Gun Japans Reversion to the Sword 1543-1879 by Noel Perrin
Starter paintball gun?
Even though you said you probably wouldn't get the Tippman I would recommend it for 2 reasons, 1: I hear people complain about their Spyders and Azodins all the time at my local field and 2: I own an A5 and if it wasn't for it's not a speedball gun I would never want another paintball gun just because it's one of the best paintball gun's I've used.
Doesn't "no statistically significant warming since 1995" mean there isn't catastrophic global warming?
A quote courtesy of Phil Jones of UEA whose data was used in the controversial hockey stick graph. Also notable is how Antarctica's ice sheet has bees still expanding over the past few years.
If you died right now would you goto heaven or hell or be reincarnated?
i dont care if u dont believe in heaven or hell or reincarnated just tell me if u died right now which place would u goto or would you come back again to experince it all.
Any ideas for a quiz for my presentation?
right, at school me and a couple of cl mates are doing a presentation on euthanasia , but we have to include a quiz, but we have no- idea how we could do that on a powerpoint Presentation? and there are no good quiz es on the web? got any ideas? ....
Idiom..big help!!?
a href="http://www.usingenglish.com/reference/idioms/" rel="nofollow"http://www.usingenglish.com/reference/id…/a
I'm having a problem selling my house because of the neighborhood kids, what can I do?
I'm pretty sure it's the kids, we've had a couple interested buyers and renters, ready to start on paperwork, then we get a call the next day saying they have changed their mind. A few real estate agents have told our agent that the neighborhood kids make the area look sort of grim, they hang out in the parking lot playing basketball and in the neighbor's yards. I've had a few incidences that bothered me, but for the most part I know they are harmless, just children with nothing to do. However, I'm starting to worry, we've dropped the selling price by $10K already, even though we've done at least that in upgrades- which we've gotten a lot of positive feedback on- we've also put it up for rent and dropped the renting price by $100. My impression is that the interested parties drive through the neighborhood around the prime-time when the children are out, usually between 6 and 10, they have a midnight curfew though so sometimes later. We have a HOA but I don't think they have noticed because the majority of the people living on our block are renters, not home owners. We are stationed in Japan right now so we are basically stuck waiting in limbo, our realtors have been working very hard but I'm starting to feel helpless. Is there anything we can do?
Please Help.Im losing the girl I love...?
Ok, heres my problem. The girl that I love, and she loves me, has the real problem. When she turned thirteen, her older boyfriend beat her and tryed to kill her several times until she broke up with him( she still keeps in contact, he apparentally still has some hold over her).Ever since then she lets guys do anything they want to her.Her recent ex-boyfriend who just used her for screwing began a "physical" relationship with her at 16; he was 23.I've made the remark that thats statutory ...Anyway,she was with him for two years. She kept the relationship from her family(especially her mother) who would never have approved of him.She loved him, she says, but at the same time she knew, and knows, that she doesn't love him in that way.She just went home for college far away from me.We go to college together.She broke up with him while we were at college. I showed that I really truly loved her. Not for her body, but for who she was. I do Love her. Anyway, he knew about me, and as soon as she got back, not even two days, he guilt tripped her with an expensive gift and some sad,sappy card thats like " I just want you, I love you,blah blah blah(by the way, he will write I love you to her,but he will NEVER say it.She also has to beg for him to call her beautiful. She IS a BEAUTIFUL girl!Because of this, she has low self-esteem.).Im too far away and can't do anything. He's trying to act like he's gonna commit suicide without her, and it makes her feel like she's ruining his life(which is exactly what he wants.).She says she loves me, but she can't stand to see him "hurt". I know when a guy is genuinely hurt and is just guilt tripping.She calls me and is crying so hard she can't breathe. I realize it's alot of stress on her. But all she keeps saying is " how I'm hurting him".This guy is s. It almost seems like she doesnt care how much it literrally rips me apart. I love this girl more than life. I would do anything for her. I just want to help her.Ive talked and talked with her about it, but she just keeps crying.Ive told her that I just want her to be happy with whoever she's with, but she has admitted herself that she's not happy with him.I'm trying to be the good boyfriend and say do what you want, but i also want to just yell " I LOVE YOU,dont you get it?". What should I do? Please help me. I don't think I can take this anymore. These things happen all the time with this ex.
What is more fun to shoot a lever action rifle in 30-30 or 44 mag?
what is more fun to shoot a lever action rifle in 30-30 or 44 mag? i really like marlin's lever actions. how does the recoil compare with each and which ammo is cheaper?
Do you think selection of Duncan Fletcher as coach of the Indian Cricket Team is right decision? Why?
I think Fletcher is experienced with great credentials and looks certainly a better choice than Fleming who was said to be the other front-runner for the job. If he can keep in the shadows as was successfully done by Kirsten opposite the Media, I have no doubt that he would earn the cooperation of the team and that alone would ensure success both for him and the team.
Is a G-Tube or Jejunostomy viable in a 15 year old child who cannot get enough calories has Cerebral Palsy.?
i am not on any curves on a pediatric growth chart. i am 3rd percentile on everything. i am starting to have problems drinking a specialized nutrition formula and having severe problems with solid food, i cant eat much at all. after i eat just a little i feel "full" i definatly dont enjoy eating and my enjoyment for drinking is diminishing. my weight is at 101 and dropping very slowly. there was a crash in last december to this january before i got on the formula dropped 4 pounds in december from 105 down to 101 dropped another 4 in january down to 97. it was very scary and i still havent recovered fully, i have quadriplegic spasticity and also i have noticed that eating is getting very hard because my gag reflex keeps triggering.
In which movie did John Wayne call someone "Pilgrim"?
I see imitators of him say Pilgrim a lot and I admit I have not seen every movie he made but I did see a good many and I do not remember him ever calling anyone pilgrim.
GTA3 PC cheats?
does anybody know how to turn off the angry pedestrians...? cuz... i turned it on and i don't really know how to turn it off. it gets annoying when i try to do missions and they attack me.
Why do people call Oprah white?
i sincerely do not get this! 50 cents called ehr oreo and others call her white? some say she acts white? what the hell is acting white? what's acting black? i dont get this. i think she helping a lot of people with her donations especially africa but people are still dissing on her....as mulatta [half white and half black] i have no freaking clue why they would call her white or saying she is acting white?? i dont!
I need some ways to stop drinking alcohol excessively!!?
You're not gonna get it, but AA is about the only thing that will really work. It helps you quit drinking long enought to start working on the real problems. Going from booze to meds is just trading one crutch for another.
Need opinions plz!!!!!!!!!!!?
You obviously did not write this, because the excerpt actually uses somewhat proper grammar, and you do not. Who are you posting it for?
Having trouble getting a diagonsis?
So to start from the very start, I had problem with the pill im on; I was bleeding during the active pills so I had a urine test which came back negative, I forget wat this tested. i then noticed some swelling and green discharge, I went back to the doctors and had swabs done for gonorrhea and chlamydia which all came back negative. So thinking everything was fine my new boyfriend at the time has contracted gonorrhea and we had only done . So he has now been treated for gonorrhea, I have then had more swabs done which came back normal again. Im not to sure this is relevant but by this time I have now got tonsillitis but didn’t know at the time until later I had mive headache, hot and cold sweats, sore throat and whole body aches. Now about a week or so later I have had a very sore lump on my ( Friday ). With in a day it has spread into a burning rash I would call it. It look like it was almost eating away at my skin. It kind of look like a pusy yellow with a red base around the edge of the rash, every time I went to the toilet it burnt and was bleeding. Now it has drastically spread within two or three days from the original infection by Sunday it had already started to calm down and heal. I went to the doctors on the Monday and she immediately suspected and at this time I was told that I had tonsillitis as well. She then took swabs of the sores and also had blood tests done for , and more swabs for gonorrhea. She had given me a shot for gonorrhea and said that it would help with the tonsillitis as well, because at this time im a nervous wreck! All tests came back normal again. But she said having the test done so close to the first outbreak I could not have produced any antibodies I went back and had more blood test done. These have come back negative too. Not sure if this is relevant but some where during this time I have noticed really bad itching in the corner of my eyes and all over body itching, I have never suffered from hay fever or anything like that. I then decide to go to I different doctor to get a second opinion; I had all the same tests done and more these test to came back negative. I had a mouth ulcer at this time which she said was just a normal one probably because of the stress iv been under. I have now had cramping like period pains and Sharpe pains in my lower abdomen and still have the green discharge its still slimy coming out more in clumps and its always been odorless. I went back to the first doctor she suspected pid.. so I went and had ultra sounds done. she also gave me antibiotics, doxycycline; Which I took twice a day for about two weeks. The ultra sounds all came back normal. The doctor said that all is fine. I have now just finished those antibiotics, and still experience the green discharge but doesn’t look quite as green. I would like your opinion on wat it could possibly be, or if im in fact infectious! No doubt I have missed some things this whole ordeal has been very stressful, and have been tested for most bacterial diseases. I would hate to put some one elses health at risk.
How to get over your ex boyfriend?
So over the summer for three weeks me and this guy from my school dated we never really talked in school we just met from a mutal friend and started datin i am 16 and he is 15 i was his first gf and i really liked him and care about him. It has been almost a month since we broken up and i have been heartbroken and sad i dont feel the same anymore. This is why i dont usually date guys in my school because i have to see him everyday and he talks to some of my friends. What should i do to feel happy again and move on?
How does the actual incidence of a government expenditure program differ from the legislated intent?
In what ways may the actual incidence of a government expenditure program differ from the legislated intent? Why are the effects different in the short-run and different in the long-run? What examples can I use to show the effects of government farm programs. How can I explain how the short-run and long-run effects of a regulatory program, such as rent control, may differ? I'm totally lost on this and need some intelligent, attractive, wonderful person to lend a hand. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
How has your fishing season been so far?
Not as good as most years. But others have been having a better year then normal. This is b fishing. The fish seem to have a different pattern then the previous years. But that's ok. It just takes me longer to limit out.
Monday, January 9, 2012
What was your experience with mono?
I found out just yesterday that my boyfriend may either be an infectious mononucleosis carrier, or if he's just been exposed to it due to his brother being sick with it a couple months ago. hHe had a high antibody count and I believe your body makes antibodies similar to the mono bacteria when you have been exposed but not sick. I have to wait until Monday to find out. In the meantime I'm getting blood work done this week to see if I'm a carrier as well. I'm a little worried as I've never had an experience with this kind of blood infection, has anyone run into this before? What should I look out for? Anything that really helped you feel better?
Okay i am moving what ....?
i am movin far a way from all my friends only four out of 70 noe so far how should i tell them when i told my best friend we just cried
If bible was written by man and man has flaws then what if they described god WRONG?
So true, it is probably flawed. God was going to write it, but he had writers block so he had to get his creations to do it.
BWF Brutal wrestling fantasy episode 5 WQ inside !!!!?
Kurt Angle, Rey Mysterio, RVD Team, MVP, and Chris Jericho = 8.5/10. jeff hardy or chris jericho or triple h
Can you help me destroy my phone?
I just got my new phone and I need a creative and satisfying way to destroy my LG Chocolate Phone. I absolutely despise this abomination of electronics and i want to make sure it pays for all of the atrocities it has done over the years. Please help me come up with ideas.
Do most Americans realize, care, or support the fact that the prison system is being privatized ?
I support the privitization of the prison system because it has proven time and time again to decrease the budget deficit and has become less burdensome on taxpayers. Though a study has not been done, I have heard that prisons that have "jobs" for those who are incarcerated result in less prisonviolence. However, I am in disagreement with the three strike policy, it is in no way a sufficient way to enforce the law. Along with this "war on drugs" it has not only destroyed the lives of victims (those who are subject to this law and bystanders) but has finacially backrupted the country and has destroyed our liberty.
About the Hurricane Dolly...?
It was covered on my local news from the time it formed in the Atlantic till it came into the Gulf Of Mexico and landed at Padre Island
She stopped talking to me and don't know why. I still think about her and i don't know what to do....?
She does not have romantic feelings for you. She probably either met someone else or figured out that you had romantic feelings for her, and figured that it would be better for her to disappear than to break your heart with honesty.
How is Japan doing now and will they emigrate to other countries?
There's still a lot of problems in the north east. 10,000 people are still " missing ". I've heard of no Japanese planning to leave. Many thousands of gaijin have left the country though.
Okay advice continuation?????
okay i need advice . i just aqsked if i should go to the party with drinking at age 13. now i broke uo with him u guys are right if he drinks at 13 he is a loser. so it hurt to break up with him but thanx. i probably wont regret it. =]
I need some help here...?
I was playing a computer game in the when all the sudden i felt a sharp pain in my rectum. When i looked down it was bleeding but i couldnt find anything sharp near my . Any help here?
Anyone know how to solve this optimization problem in calculus?
Given a right circular cone, you put an upside-down cone inside it so that its vertex is at the center of the base of the larger cone, and its base is parallel to the base of the larger cone. If you choose the upside-down cone to have the largest possible volume, what fraction of the volume of the larger cone does it occupy? (Let H and R be the height and radius of the large cone, let h and r be the height and radius of the small cone. Use similar triangles to get an equation relating h and r. The formula for the volume of a cone is V = 1/3(pi)r^2h
What do Jews do when they go to their synagogue?
Christians go to church & listen to their preacher & sing, Muslims go to their mosque wash their hands, feet, & face & kneel & pray facing the Mecca, some religions offer sacrifices to their God(s) Goddess(es) but what exactly do Jews do when they go to synagogue?
250cc vs 600cc first bike..?
You know it, I know it, you're going to get the R6. If you don't you'll regret it. Get some advanced training when you get it and you'll be safe and your insurance will be lower.
Shaved Head or Grow It?
http://flickr.com/photos/28272767@N04/2682661291/ the one on the left is me with a clean shaven head, the one on the right is 2 weeks of hair. Should I keep growing it out or shave it?
How many music notes are there?
Just 12 notes, unless you want to count all keys of a great organ, which simply mean those 12 x several octaves.
I have clutch issues on my bike?
your clutch pedal isnt engaging. i dont know much about bikes but since its similar to cars, you may have been riding your clutch for a long time. there would have been subtle signs that your car was doing this. just go to a shop and see what they can do. you dont want your clutch to completely fail when you need the speed to swerve out of the way of something.
Could I be pregnant, without condom breakage?
While having , we swaped positions and when he slipped out the condom fell off. He had not ejeculated. We put on a new condom and began again, swapping positions and him slipping out, but the condom was still on. I thought the condom broke (I didn't feel anything, but heard a noise that sounded like it). We checked the condom, no break. While he was pulling the condom off, it was still suctioned to his . The condoms had spermicidal lubricant on them. He did not at any point ejeculate. Could I be pregnant?
Points for your thoughts on short POEM?
this is beautiful. the great thing about this is it is like an open poem. people can get a lot of different meanings out of this poem. based on my perception it seem as you reality just hit and in a instant's you realize where each of you stood in the relationship. Now i can be totally off but that is what i got out of it. the poem rocks dude
Question about using Colief, please help........?
My baby boy is just starting to get colic and it seems quite bad. I've been adding 4 drops to my babys warm bottle but not leaving it half an hour before feeding, so not sure if this will still work. After a horrendous night last night I've made up one bottle, added 4 drops and left half an hour. I've also made up my other bottles, added 2 drops and put them in the fridge ready to be warmed up when needed. My question is, am I ok to leave them in the fridge longer or slightly shorter than 4 hours, and then warm them up? Also, if you don't warm the bottle, ie if you've made one up and taken it out somewhere, does that mean the colief won't work? I'd be really grateful if you could help. I'm getting desperate with this as last night he cried all night long.
What Pokemon team should I have to defeat Pike Queen Lucy?
Every time after 21 room I am always defeated by Pike Queen Lucy in Pokemon Emerald Version at the Battle Frontier. Can someone help me with this?
I need your advice here please. Should I text her this tonight?
Hmmm...maybe you should change the "beautifully" to "beautiful" unless thats just a typing error and try and shorten it down a little bit...maybe get rid of the cultural part sounds a bit off...and then instead of dont you think....say i feel those are good enough reasons for me to want to be more than friends would you agree? And i love the end very honest...well good luck and go for it...hope it works out bcoz you seem smitten...
Hungarian mentality question?
A friend of mine told me that those parts of Romania that have Hungarians as ethnic majority have 10 times higher suicide rate than parts where majority is Romanians. My friend is Romanian and might not be completely unbiased, so I understand it could be an exaggeration, yet I would like to find out how true the statement is, as I find both nations very interesting. And is Hungarian mentality generally so different from Romanian?
The Baseball HOF decides to kick out 10 players. Who goes?
I know there are Pirates fans out there that are going to hunt me down but how about Bill Mazeroski? he had a good 17 year career but not stellar, over 2,000 hits 138 HR but the only reason he is in the hall is because of 1 HR, bottom of the ninth inning at Forbes field 1960 world series.
Can someone please correct this paragraph?
In contrast to Eavan Boland, Shirley Caesar, a gospel singer, has a different perspective of women. Caesar has the traditional view of women in her mind, gentle, sweet, and kind. Yet as her quote continues she also mentions how women also tend to show tough love to other living things. Caesar’s quote, “Women have a way of treating people more softly. We treat souls with kid gloves.” The phrase “kid gloves” can be interpreted to a reader as tough love, meaning that a woman will treat another person harshly or sternly with the intent to help them in the long run. Caesar implies that women have a way of being gentle in everything that they do, and this brings back the traditional role of a woman, as being kind and gentle. Similar to Boland, Caesar mentions, “have a way of treating people more softly” that all women are like this and the fact that Shirley Caesar is a woman implies that she herself is like this as well and that women will always will always have that characteristic about them.
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Am I saying this right? French?
Tres bien! Mais, moio anniversaire est pas correct. C'est "ma anniversaire" parce que tu est une fille :).
What is the difference between an Jetstar and Virgin Blue flight?
Personally, I would fly QANTAS, but if you want low cost flights, you're on the right track. I can't help you with refreshment prices and stuff like that, but I can tell you that the flight quality will be the same. Pilots all go through the same training and I'm positively sure that neither of those airlines hire flight school drop-outs. I've flown with over 20 airlines around the world and I've noticed no difference apart from a few landings being smoother.
Urgent help with meaning of a song?
she's talking about her Missing In Action boyfriend, and the fact that he doesnt know where she is and he always wants her to be at home
Do you recommend to run sql queries before html page loads? If so, how to optimize this code?
I really don't know what you're asking. I wish I could help you but you didn't provide enough detail on what you're really trying to do. You're very vague when you mention "this information." Ideally, I believe this code should work and should display whatever you want it to. I've never had a problem with placement in PHP/MySQL code and I've been coding for four years.
Pls solve.. trigo problems 14?
14. The radius of the circle is 100feet. Find the perimeter and the area of (a) a regular inscribed pentagon; (b) a regular inscribed decagon; (c) a regular cirscribed pentagon; (d) a regular cirscribed decagon.
How do I determine figured b in a chorale?
Musicians, I need your help again =]. I CANNOT figure out how to work backwards with figured b. If I'm given the FB in an exercise with the key, I can write the chorale just fine. If I'm given a 4 part chorale I can determine the roman numeral ysis but I can't figure out the figured b. What confuses me is the doubled tone. We're covering the cadential 6-4 and 7th chords and their inversions. I really want to know how to determine the FB before it gets too advanced and out of hand for me. Please help!
R&P: Pink Floyd Fans: Spend a moment to remember Syd Barrett?
(R.I.P) He was insane and he wrote crappy music. That's it, and in my opinion there's nothing to commemorate.
I need a caricature drawing of a 4x4 short bus????
Does anyone know where I can get one for free? I would like to to have big mud tires and be an old style short bus. it will be used for a 4x4 club decal. If you can do it or find one, email it to crazy4x4guy@hotmail.com
Will anybody blame Bush for the Clinton WMD lie again today?
You do know that between 1998 and 2003 when Bush invaded, UN inspectors determined that Iraq did not have any WMDs or a WMD program. Bush acted on the cherry picked intelligence that he requested. He didn't act because of what Clinton said in 1998. So nobody with even a modi of intelligence would even consider suggesting that Clinton's statements and actions in 1998 were in any way related to the 2003 invasion of Iraq.
What do you think is the best band on this list?
AFI, Smashing Pumpkins, Marilyn Manson, Nine Inch Nails, Mindless Self Indulgence, The Misfits, Alice in Chains, Nirvana, dead Kennedys, and Faith No More. Those are my favorite out of the list, but I think Nirvana is the best out of ALL of them.
What do you guys think of my casual yugioh deck? You can rate it on a scale of 1 to 5?
I'd give it a 5/5. You've got a lot of good combos, and I think the deck would work really well against all different kinds of decks. Good job!
What do you do to cool off?
I am soo freakin mad right now..... Ok heres the story, I absolutely hate the table I sit at lunchtime theres these girl and they make fun of people when theyre sitting right there. So today I needed to finish this book I was reading so i was reading it after i was done eating and then all of a sudden I hear "Who reads at lunch?" I'm like ummm people who need to finish there books? The girl is like "Well umm its stupid, your like some wannabe emo chick, listen we have enough of those already.... THAT PISSED ME OFF SO MUCH!!!! so anyway i need a way to calm down and so could you peeps help me?
What the eff is this about?
I hooked up with guy, and he got my number and texted me to say we should hang out again..a month later he saw me on campus and completely ignored me like he could care less. wtf?! how rude.
Hey i am a huge half life fan and ill shorten this cause im a lil busy , will the black mesa source game be releasing for (x-Box 360, Ps3) that would be great , i have a mac a such , but i dont have the sorce engine cause im not into pc gameing . so could you please help.
What would you say if Muhammad was a literate and intelligent man?
Muslims believe that Muhammad (Anger Management Be Unto Him) was a simple mule driver who couldn't read or write.
Do men enjoy watching women stretch at the gym? If so, why?
I work out at a gym where I have begun to notice one particular guy make his way the water fountain a bit while I am in the stretching area. We (the gentleman and I) have made eye contact in the past but no words. I think he is really cute but he has never said anything to me. I have also noticed men looking in my direction when I stretch sometimes as well. Mind you I do not dress like a "skank" nor do I show myself in a way that would imply "" intentions towards anyone. I just do standard stretching; ones that I have been taught to me by instructors.
How to bulk up (put on some weight/muscle) in a healthy way for sports season...?
It is easier to turn fat into muscle so I understand why you want to gain some weight. What may be something that you are doing that you aren't noticing is eating about 5-7 snacks a day. Like eat every two hours just a little something- if you are doing this it makes your metabolism faster, try cutting that down to just 3 or 4 MEALS a day, if you really are in desperate need of gaining weight. Also when working out try using "overload" this means you take your excecising to the next level. Don't just the same old push ups everyday try doing a harder variation. Good Luck! (:
The most useful indicator of the degree of democracy reached by a particular society is whether it has a:?
DEATH PENALTY-If a country has a death penalty then it is a true indicator of the failure of the country and the savagery of the citizens.
This is just a guess, but I expect that the paper will wrinkle and the printing would be ruined. As I said, it's just a guess. If you could use a spray adhesive, it might work.
I hate to be a bother but I need a sitter for an hour or so?
I have to go out for a few minutes - could someone keep an eye on Ding for me? She is not allowed to go to Dizzay or to eat anything but Little Debbies. Also - I don't have any money to pay you with - we will have to work it out in trade. Thanks in advance. ♥
Whats a poem that has hyperbole simile metaphor onomatopoeia and personification (all)?
can someone think or name a poem with all hyperbole simile metaphor onomatopoeia and personification in it??????????????????????????????????????… please
Should i tell my best friend?
Well for starters my best friend is pregnant. I was over her house spending the night an her baby daddy was there. we was all sleep an i felt some thing touching me so i moved away an scooted then it moved closer an kept touching me. I thought it was her being funny but then it started to try to pull off my pj's and grabbed my bottom. then i grabbed the hand an wasn't her hand it was to big then i glanced over an it was her baby daddy but i was scared to say anything about it because it was his child an i know it would be hard for her to take care of the child her self. An i told him to his face the next day an told him if he ever did it again i would say something to her. And me an her brother goes out so it would be more of a prob;em an it a lot more complicated then just telling her
Ain't the American version of Quasi "Free Market Capitalism" grand?
Maybe you should look into something called "Economics". America has not had true free market capitalism in nearly a hundred years. When you say Quasi free market you are exactly right. The quasi part comes from the socialist progressive movement not capitalism.
Can you pick a handful of your favorite and least favorite names out of this list?
For the Boy list, I say Hunter and Corey. For the Girl list, I say Sadie and Nadine. I say those because the kid will probably like a more common type of name than something too unique or so hard to pronounce that the principal will misspronounce it at their 5th grade graduation! I know people who absolutely hate having their name misspronounced all the time. For example, on the list, you have the name "Xanthe". I'm not sure how to pronounce that, and neither will a lot of people. Also, you don't want to give a name like "Penelope". The reason being, you don't want other kids saying or thinking,"Ha! That girl on the movie with the big pig nose!". That would suck. I would go for a name like Josiah for a boy, and something like Candra for a girl.
Best additive to soil for a large garden?
We'll finlay be planting our vege garden this spring but it is going to be a big one. I was wondering what is the best soil additive that won't break the bank that I can probaly buy at a nursery or Lowes, by the bag? I know compost is problay the best, but does that come in 50lb bags? I'll problay need a lot since it's going to be a farely big garden, but I don't need a dump truck load..lol.. Also how do I check ph levels, not the soil, but what level that certain plant needs. I'll be planting a lot of different veges so what if the ph levels don't come close for all the different plants, can I still plant them?
What do you think Burke & Hare would say?
Plato don't look at it as robbing the dead, More like trying to give people who will die a chance of living. I have had a donor card for decades, bet that is no surprise to anyone really but that is what I thought always. I did know a girl when I was around eight who was terminally ill so I signed up that day. There will be a few religous people who will disagree and in this case it will not be just Muslims but J W's who will object as strongly as they can.
I have a chihuahua almost a year old it started spitting up yellow foam and making a huffing noise?
The Infectious Diseases section is for humans, not animals. Please re-post this question in the Pets section, or the Dogs section.
Btcar.com a nuisance?
how to get rid off / delete or whatsoever of this website even though i have internet security installed. i also update my internet security regularly. appreciate your help. tks
How would I see the estimated future continent movements?
In Christopher Scotese's website www.scotese.com you will find plenty animations on the past and future movements of the continents. This website is authoritative, comprehensive and oriented for wide audiences.
How can you reverse the suction on a vacuum cleaner?
If you have a canister vacuum there should be another hole in it to put the hose in and when you do and turn it on it will blow out instead of suck in.
Would you like a wish?
I'm handing out wishes today! Well actually it's kind of a survey type thing but i thought i'd make it fun! So think of 1 thing you want and one thing only! But the catch is it has to be for you. It has to benefit you and you only. Like the gay boi's wish for a hot boi catch my drift? Thanks! What's your wish?
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Hye, im from malaysia, i wonder how i can make my own money online?
A lot of companies now are allowing telecommuting because it actually saves them money and it keeps their employees happy. Also, I would just look at every clified section there is because where I am from I see jobs for that all of the time.
What should I keep in my purse!?! What do YOU keep in your purse?!?
That is a HUGE purse! Haha. I keep my wallet, phone, hair ties, lip gloss/lipstick, clips for my hair, water, make up, my camera, paper, and a pen in my purse. That's all I need.
Ex is letting child party till 3 am help????
my hubbys ex is a nightmare, she parties alot and therefore everyone around her suffer. her poor little girl that she and my hubby share is 9 years old, and the ex throws parties and gets too drunk and just lets the girl do whatever she wants.. the child usually ends up ping out at about 3 am or sometimes even later..... i am so worried because the girl is becoming very snappy and is restless all the time. the worst thing is there isnt a damn thing we can do about it.... we tried speaking to her about it and all she responds is "its none of your business, she's on my time" .... how can you get through to this person????
Is this true? The congress had a secret meeting?
well they do put flouride in the water, it's a posion. and that's why i purify my water. don't freak out about it, just get a brita
Is This Possible? What Should I Do?
I met this girl just about a year ago and fell for her. Hard. But I was naive and very needy at the time. So, needless to say, she wasn't interested. After four uncomfortable months (no idea why it took so long), I got hurt and grew up. I matured heavily and got my life together. For the past six months, we've been pretty close friends. We banter and we tease and we flirt and we also have serious talks sometimes. And I've grown, so I'm much more a man now than the pathetic hopeless romantic I was. High school is ending. We'll be at the same college and all, but lately, something about her responses to me, I don't know. It's nothing painfully obvious, but one of those "is it? could it be?" sorta things. I don't think I'm just seeing things because practically everybody mistakes us for a couple (which can get annoying). She recently (within the last month) got out of an ugly relationship with this creep that none of her friends nor anyone but her could see anything in. (By the by, all of her friends very much approve of me). She has a history of dating creeps, and this relationship really ended badly and she finally sees how creepy he truly is. I don't want to ruin the friendship but also, I can't help but wonder. I haven't liked her for half a year but those feelings are still there. And before, she didn't really know me when now she does. She tells practically no one how she feels, so I'd have to feel it out for myself, but what should I do? I worry about being able to hang over the summer and I wonder how to be sure if she does have these feelings and how to handle it. Six months ago, she made it pretty clear she wasn't interested, but the dynamic is so much different now. I'm no longer the clingy guy who likes her but one of her good friends. Whether or not she's starting to come around, I don't know. Please help.
~Rate my Pokemon Team~ (1-10)?
I think the Gyarados should know mainly physical attacks like Aqua Tail to take advantage of the high Attack rating. Same with Lucario and Special Attack. No ThunderPunch on Electivire? As for your sixth I'd go with a change of pace pokemon like a Blissey or a Shuckle with Toxic, or maybe a Gengar with Hypnosis and Dream Eater
Feel fat help plz :{?
so i get called names wide fat hippo flabby im 12 and im 112 im 5,8 im more a pc geek then a athlete but i get made fun of and now my mom says she gonna get gym member ship and get me a trainer i cry alot and try not to eat but i get hungry school i give most my lunch away but i keep getting hungry i don't wanna b fat i hate my body now i use to b ok but every says im fat
What do you reckon I'll be able to do after 12 ice-skating lessons?
After about 12 lessons, you'll probably have a good grip on all the basics. You'll go over things like falling down/getting up safely, forward marching, 2-foot glides, 1-foot glides, swizzles/gvines, basic stops, backward glides (one and two feet), backward "wiggles," backwards swizzles/gvines, 2-foot turns, pump circles, mohawks, probably crossovers (forward and backward) and maybe even 3-turns. Because of your ballet background, you'll probably progress quickly if you're coordinated. You will most likely cover all the very basics of forward and backward skating and depending on your progress with that, probably move onto a little more advanced things like 3-turns (a one foot turn done on each foot, forwards and backwards, on both blade edges -- inside and outside) and probably even a 2-foot spin! I think because of your background, you'll progress rapidly. :) Good luck!
Why the hell are the fish so big this year?
im happy with it but i just gotta wonder why? like last year i was catching tiny trout under 1lb but this year ive caught 3 rainbows that are about 3lbs in a pond that always has really small fish since its meant for children? and i aint catching anything under 3lbs when i go for rainbow trout this year. and my friend just went fishing today and caught 5 3lb fish in under an hour in a lake known for small ones! the lakes are just recently stocked but whats up with this?
Fresh Prince of Bel-air?
Does anyone have the part of the episode "Stank Horse, I" where Will is at the comercial and goes "Ummm... OK girls uh get necked." If so you need to post a link to it. Or if you have any other funny quotes post a link to them or even bloopers.
What is your favorite musical?
My favorite musical of ALL-TIME is "Mamma Mia!" Other musicals I also like are "Hairspray," "Cry-Baby," and "Seussical." But I REALLY REALLY REALLY LOVE "Mamma Mia!" It rocks! It makes me very happy. :) :D No wonder I love to act, sing, and dance. I can't wait to get my career started at AMDA L.A. and do professional acting. ANYWAY... HAHA. Answers please! :) :D
10 month old eating habits?
As long as he's getting at _least_ 24oz a day then the number of times that he gets formula in a 24 hour period don't matter.
Did they have to edit the original exorcist?
Did they have to edit it? was the original too scary? If I remember correctly, this scene when the mom came home and walked into the kitchen the lights started to flicker and you saw the devils face. When I recently saw the movie again I didn't see that part.
Being forgetful after smoking weed?
Okay, so about three weeks ago, I smoked weed for the first time. Like a lot of weed. I was stoned. Lol. Now, I started noticing that I've been much more forgetful than usual. When I leave the room, I would forget where I'm going, when I put my phone on the bed, two minutes later I would forget what I did with my phone. I forget how to spell long words that I usually know how to spell. Couyld this have anything to do with the weed I smoked three weeks ago? This has been happening for about two weeks now. Will it go away? I've smoked just because I believe in trying everything at least once, cause we only get one chance to live, and I want to live to the fullest. I'm not planning on continuing smoking any more. Sooo, will I get my brain back? Lol. I have a 4.0 gpa and never gotten a B or lower before. I'm a freshman in highschool, so I guess that's pretty good. Hahah.
Would You Embar Yourself For Free Rent?
Who cares, do it...first off you make a hot chick! (lol) and you know what, if they gonna pay, as long as you feel comfortable with it there is no harm! Go YOU
What can I do about a mother in law that keeps asking when we are going to have a baby?
We are just letting things happen instead of getting worked up about getting pregnantt. We have only been married six months. She even tells us what works with her and my father in law. If she would just leave us alone things may happen faster. She is very nosey and wants to know all about our life.
What should I do about my stove?
My fiance and I are renting a small little duplex for just me and him. The stove we have is a Hotpoint model. And it's very very old. When we moved in the Temp knob on it was in two pieces. a metal piece that has the temp and the plastic knob part. Since then, it has shocked me several times while cooking. We put in a work order, the guy came out, said he couldn't find out why it was shocking me and said he couldn't do anything about the knob. Now, after trying to fix the knob myself, and looking for a replacement knob, everyone i have spoken to can't find a part. What has to happen before the landlord will replace the stove??? (i'm talkin like late 70's to 80's model stove.)
Is it inappropriate to tip the TSA screener after the "ual ault pat down"?
Just be polite, I'm sure the screener is no more thrilled about patting you down than you are about receiving the pat down.
Hey, I wrote this a fwe minutes ago, what do you think?
This is incredibly well done, it sounds like just the sort of book I'd LOVE to read! :) Keep up the great job! I would name the boy something such as Nick, Jason, or Ken, perhaps? And I agree with the person above me on the girl, Christina sounds wonderful!
Does herbal essences dangerously straight work for me?
It might work for the time being, but over the next couple weeks you might notice your hair getting dryer and more damaged because store bought products have sooo much alcohol in them. Make sure you get regular trims to control your the breakage from using these products.
How do you be a less emotionally sensitive person?
I'm tired of feeling ecstatic one minute and depressed the next, I want to just feel calm and stable.
Anyone up for a game?
Jaguar because it starts with J-Niki Lauda-Eddie Irvine-Johnny Herbert-Mark Webber-Justin Wilson-Christian Klien-Red Bull Racing-Energy Drink.
Hi ladies anyone know where i can purchase pretty bras in size 40 dd that don't cost the earth.online if poss?
Debenhams is a great place to try. I'm bigger than you, and I always get mine there (and you can even search them by size online). Look for their own brand Gorgeous, and the brand Fantasie - both of these are very comfy, and offer lots of nice styles. They are not "matronly" like Triumph.
Who are the top 50 professional hockey players in the world today?
Gaborik at #12 are you serious the guy is never healthy enough to play 12 games!!! Also St. Louis ahead of nash and parise, give me a break. Other than that I can't really argue with the list
Ther is dis guy on myspace and said dat i was really ugly and i look like a hippo and thig like dat and?
i need help wat to say 2 him and if he is liying cuz he says dat pple in my school say i am ugly and and idk if he is just making fun of meh he doesnt even now me at all but he now wat school i go to but i need help wat to say to him .... i am so mad but sad at da time
Windows 98, Compaq Presario 5WV250, Destructive Recovery?
a href="http://www.winosa.com" rel="nofollow"http://www.winosa.com/a could probably help you with that
Do you consider librarians creepy?
how about the pedophile type librarian;is it mandatory to have at least one working at every local library?
Friday, January 6, 2012
I am losing a wireless internet connection?
ok, i have Comcast internet, Verizon landlines (phone), and Comcast cable television. I am renting a Netgear wireless router and modem. I have one PS3 hooked up to the wireless internet. However, when my phone rings, the internet connection drops and fails to reconnect. My coax cable and Ethernet cables (for my phone line) are totally separate! So this should not be possible. My two phone lines are connected to a splitter but that couldn't affect it.I tried to fix it myself but then it created a mive hum-bar problem on my PS3 but it doesn't even show up on the cable! ugh! I talked to both company's and they both said that this is not possible, and it shouldn't be! Has anyone had a similar problem like this?
What's wrong with Nadya Suleman?
I personally despise this woman for using these children and the sympathy of generous people to am wealth. The children should be put up for adoption so they can actually live in a normal home where they will not be ignored, as I don't see how this mentally unstable woman could care for what was it 14 children. Your right she does need a major *** kicking.
Why is it our government would rather help other countries before it helps its own people?
Our country makes it cheaper for major companys to move there maufactoring jobs over seas too where they can make bigger profits..instead of makeing it more expesive to import then export so that it equals the us pay to overseas we all know we take more pride in our work then the slaves they use over seas but when it comes down to money the big buss. in the courty dont care about us they just care about there country club friends and how big they can make there bank account. Dont take it the wrong way we all want a big bank account but shouldnt the forture 500 companys be made to have maufactoring jobs here instead of mexico, china and the other slave ran countrys
Why are the states with the lowest literacy rates all located in the South?
The same reason the US in ten years will have older transport and information systems than most of the first world and sadly a large chunk of the third world. The south is antiquated dude. It's worse in the midwest but both regions are proud of living in the past because you can't live the American Illusion while embracing the future. It's impossible and they know it. This is why there warped kids move to blue states after college.
I've been unable to find a job due to a misdemeanor on my record is there a place in hou tx where i cangethire?
At my last job my supervisor gave me permission to take scrap parts but according to corporate it was not ok and they charged me with theft. Is there anywhere in houston where I might have a chance to get hired?
My kitty tested positive for feline leukemia...?
My cat died from this. :(. They will get to the point where they cant walk or go to the bathroom or eat and that is when u want to put them down. Dont let her suffer. Poor kitty. It really stinks. But i think there is something that makes them live with it to where she can leave. I am sorry and good luck.
I go out with someone i dont know y the person still say single
i really this boi but i saw his page he said single and when we talk he always say he luv me whats up with this?
Where to buy good lap harp?
I've been wanting to learn how to play the harp. The lap harp seems fun, since it's more portable than the big ones and you can play it anywhere, in your lap! So, where would be a good place to purchase one? Any good vendors online?
How long, until a living person's brain be fully interfaced with a Virtual Reality environment?
After the technological singularity. Predicted by Kurzweil and other transhumanists to happen sometime mid-century.
Relationship advice?!??!?
Me and my bf have been dating for a week now. we went to hs together but only started hanging out about a month ago. the other day we were walking in the park and he asked me what I want out of our relationship. I told him I didnt know he replies that he wants a serious relationship with me and hopes I feel the same way about him (which I do) but said he wants us to take it slow. I dont understand what he means by all of this, we've both been hurt alot in previous relationships but can open up to each other perfectly fine. He treats me wonderfully and makes me very happy and he says I make him happy to, yet im not quite sure what his true intentions are with me. please help me figure something out or what questions I can ask him without hurting him :) thank you!
Do you think WWIII is upon us? and now, we're going back to religious wars?
No. With so many powerful weapons nowadays the whole world would not go to war. Now they know the economic, human and environmental issues a whole world war would bring. We are better informed these days. War will always exist but what I'm saying there won't be a "World War" meaning the whole planet.
Ford f150 no power in gear idles smooth?
ford f150 1998 4.2 v6 automatic has no power in drive or reverse runs smooth as silk in park and neutral but put in drive will barely go if you hold break down you can push gas pedal all the way down and wants to choke down if you put in drive and just let it go it lopes and chugs no check engine light no codes but want run in gear any ideas i cleaned maf no change
Help! my computer had a virus called Trojan.Brisv.A!inf?
After having similar bother myself, I have successfully removed this virus from my pc hope this helps you. After downloading the tool to fix turn off pc and disconnect from the internet, turn on pc and continuously press f8 key to get into safe mode, then run this tool, hopefully this should resolve it, good luck
Suppose a baby needs a blood transfusion. The baby's parents however do not consent to it because of their
religious beliefs. Would you, if you were a doctor, continue with the blood transfusion without the parent's permission (and have your medical license revoked) or would you not do the transfusion?
My friend is a ?
i have a friend i have been like almost bff with since 4th grade. but over last summer, she got super freaky and cut her hair REALLY short and dyed it black and started wearing creepy goth stuff (and not CUTE goth stuff either, really ugly crappy stuff) she looks awful, plus she acts all different and ignores me, swears a lot (to teachers!) and likes...a girl? one of her other friends told me she is really concerned about her cause at a party she and this other girl have become like best friends (or more?!?!) and were doing belly shots off each other and started making out. what it UP with her? maybe she was just drunk? P.S. We are 14 YEARS OLD. 14, for cryin out loud!
I am a MMA/Kickboxing Licensed Promoter, I am looking for venues to accommodate 4-5000 people w/o a huge cost?
I am licensed in California and had been approved for a Professional Nevada license in the late 90's.I have personally isted in over 100 productions from wrestling,MMA,kickboxing and boxing,60 of which were my own.I started promoting in 1989 featuring Kickboxing World Champion Dennis Alexio and Kathy Long at the Solano Fairgrounds. I am looking for venues and sponsorship to help bring a n event to your backyard. I am multi-sanctioning but prefer to work with the IKF (International Kickboxing Federation.com) or its affiliate,the ISCF,(International Sport Combat Federation). Both of these organizatons are well equipped to sanction my events. I have sanctioned with Howard Hansen WKA and KICK om several occions and the lesser known Amatuer Kickboxing ociation out of Reno, Nevada. I have references and can promote an entire show from start to finish, I promote under LTD Productions in N. CA and have been doing so since 1989. Feel free to call or e-mail, Tim Stell 707-673-6632
Mary kate olsen and heath ledger
Heath Ledger was a grown aii men. She called him before he died. BFD. I think everyone should leave the girl alone.
Why is it less of a crime to murder a child than to murder an adult?
Just reading a story about a 17-month-old baby found in the Berkeley Marina. He was killed by his mother's boyfriend, who was a convicted child killer. The question was whether she knew he was a convicted child killer and why did he only get 11 years for beating a 3 year old to death back in the early 90's, which is why he was able to kill again. He killed the baby, and dumped the body in the marina, and then killed the mother because she witnessed him killing her baby. So why is it less of a crime to murder a child than to murder an adult? People who abuse and kill children get less time than someone who killed an adult? What is wrong with the system, are children looked upon as less of a human?
Baby is breech at 38 weeks?
So i am currently 38+2 days pregnant and when I went to the doctors yesterday we had a hard time finding the heart beat. When we finally did she said it's because the baby was laying with its back down. Doesn't that mean she's breech? I am starting to get frustrated with this one doctor because I saw her for my 37 and 38 week appointment and she didn't even check me. When I saw a different doctor at my 36 week appointment she said i was dialated to a 1 and my baby is head down. But I'm just getting frustrated because the doctor who said my baby is laying back down didn't sound concerned at all.. Shouldnt my baby be head down by now?
How ineffective is The Pill whilst taking Penicillin?
he is using laymans terms though uses of antibiotics does reduce the effectiveness on most contraception pills!
Can a person be baptized Catholic but get confirmed another form of Christianity? ?
I was baptized Catholic as a baby, but unlike my parents I am not Catholic. I'm not sure what other form of Christianity I am, but I think Methodist or Lutheran. Now I would of course go to that form of Christianities church a few times before I decided to be that form and do my research. I don't want to be two religions, I just want to be one don't get me wrong. But for example, could I be baptized Catholic and be confirmed as Lutheran. Like change forms of Christianity?
Does a global flood make the whole Bible less credible? Davis Young, an Evangelical and geologist, wrote?
I know when I was in 6th grade, these questions began to trouble me. I was told how important it is to tell the truth and was shown how important is is to be logical, but when it came to this funny book, they seemed to throw all that out of the window. In addition, I knew the subject was one of the most important of all, since knowing what God expected of me was vital to my eternal safety! Talk about pressure! I don't believe I was such an unusual case concerning these topics and at about 7th grade, I decided the whole thing was purposely being distorted and evaded for emotional reasons. I became an agnostic until C.S. Lewis presented me with a logical defense of Christianity. I did not discover until many years later that he was defending a kind of Taoism and not Christianity. I still think the fundamentalist defense of any religion is its own worst argument and turns the majority of people away from the religion.
Why money is so important in this world? Isn't money THE key to life (however preposterous this sounds)?
Almost everyone on this planet is compelled to use money. We have no choice. I think there are only a few communities in this world (maybe a few tribes in Africa, or some people in the Brazilian jungle) who don't rely on money to survive in the world. Everyone else HAS to use money whether you like it or not. So isn't this pathetic that something as trivial as the ink constituting characters and numbers printed on a piece of paper can have such an impact on our life? If you are ill and have money, you get the treatment you need. If you don't have it, and you can't earn it, and you have no one to borrow it from, or if you can't devise a method quickly whereby money starts falling from the sky...then that's it. You're dead. Literally. The same goes with food. You can't walk into a Walmart store and tell someone at the till "I need to take some bread, milk and honey home, but I can't give you any money for this". People would look at you with incredulity. So again: no money = no food. No food = starvation. And so you die. And we can go on and on citing examples at how important money really is to sustain human life on this planet. But why is it like that? Why does money make the world go round? And why does God (if there is one) give money to some people, and withhold it from the others? Like this man who was convicted for raping a woman in England. Once he was let out of jail (temporarily), he bough himself a lottery ticket, and won millions. Whereas many homeless, starving, desperate people in London, New York, Buenos Aires or Calcutta are scanning the pavements as we speak looking for any coins, which pers-by might have lost by accident, in order to buy some food. What the hell is going on !!!??
Are comfi grip dentures better then standard?
are standard dentures the same as comfi grip ones? dentures called comfi grip are more expensive and are suppost to stay in and feel alot more comfortable is that true? I read plenty on here that if their made right is what makes dentures comfortable.does anyone have comfi grip dentures,if you do will you tell me if they are worth the extra? thank you!
(GIRLS INPUT) What should I do on this date tomorrow?
So tomorrow this girl and I are hanging out for the 2 time. Last time we had a good time and we watched a movie and hung out. We were both sitting on the couch but I was on one end and she was on the other with an empty space between us. Tomorrow when we hang out we'll probably watch a movie at my place. Would it be awkward if I sat close to her or should I scoot over during the movie? Put my arm around her? I sorta know what to do but I need help on the timing. Please help! :)
Thursday, January 5, 2012
When i put my brand new micro sd card in my phone, it says the card is unreadable becuase it is unformatted.?
take it back for exchange - if it can't be formatted in your phone or computer it is likely defective.
Will oak tree leaves kill gr?
Someone I work with told me that if you leave oak leaves on the ground or mulch them and they are absorbed by the soil that it is toxic to the gr and the gr will not grow as good around the tree. Is there any truth to this. I have a few pin oaks in my yard and the gr around them could be better. Didn't know if this is why or if it's the shade or spotty fertilizer?
Are caucasian high schoolers racist or is it just my school?
every high schooler I know that's white always says some stupid remark to latinos like me such as get the hell out of here you stupid mexican and laugh. The girls really don' say anything, but they don't date them because they aren't their type, but that feel like they're stereotyping is. Some girls who we sit beside in lunch because of lack of space always stare at us like "wtf weirdos sitting beside us" when we don't even say or so anything perverted. I'm not going to report this as a problem because prejudice is never stopped pf course. It just seems like we can't be a part of the same society it's ridiculous. Just a couple of months ago some teens at a Walmart yelled out at me and my sisters and her caucasian husband "s suck". It's just stupid and it feels to me like this won't ever stop. Is it like this at all the schools.
How can I get away from the stress of school right now?
the third term is closing, I have B's in most cles, some C's I need to bring up, and this closing week is filled with tests. I don't even know what organelles are in science, and I had to give the teacher my notebook and papers for grading the whole weekend. we have an english quiz on prepositional phrases and adjective questions and adverb questions, I barely made a B on my last one exactly like this one, and if I don't do well, I get a C in that cl. I have a C+ I need to bring up but I don't even know if I can if I get an A on a quiz.. I have a math quiz tomorrow and I don't even know the ignment due to my absence that period. not to mention that I have hours of homework ahead of me..... how can I relieve this horrible stress?!
Does Allah say in the Quran that those who deny his word will succeed and flourish?
Like how Turkey is no secular and is only getting better for them. And just individuals around the world who leave Islam and have better lives then when they weren't Muslim.
Rockin' is my Business & Business is Good?
I played in a cover band years ago called Subway and we did a remake of a song Whose hook was "Rockin' is my business & Business is Good". The strange thing is the song was recorded by a country band. I thought it was "The Kentucky Headhutners" but it's not on anything they released or recorded. The song Rocks, especially when played by a really good Rock band, and I want to cover it on my next Album(CD for you younger people out there). All I can find is this 50's band with a similar lyric, but it's not the same one. Find it for me and I will give you a credit on the Album(CD or whatever).
In the Iliad, Which gods want the Trojans defeated? Why is Patroclus killed?
What is the name of Achilles' tribe? What two goddesses want Troy defeated most? And who is the leader of the Greek gods? I would appreciate if you could answer even one of these questions, thanks for your time!
Have you experienced any astral travel , out of body situation that was successful?
I do not know if it was the drugs, or a true OBE. I was staring at the ventilation system from my hospital bed. I thought, Im so tired of this room. I kept looking at the vent, and found myself in it, floating thru the dust. I kept going into the wires of the electrical system, seeing sparks rushing past me. I felt tingly, but it didnt hurt. I heard lots of conversations as I went further around. Finally I found myself floating above the roof of the hospital.
Can you tell me what gun best suits me.?
g 19 is the best gun to carry because it is EXTREMELY lightweight. i'm fairly certain that's a 9 mil, and they're known for durability. plus they're pretty cheap. also might wanna consider a slightly larger caliber, because a 9mm won't always be able to kill someone (body armor, meth, etc.) and make sure u regularly go to the range to keep your skills up and also get a gun safe if u have kids
Spanish 1 Highschool homework? helllp?
Homework is something you need to do by yourself in order that your teacher might know how best to teach you.
Please help me i'm being bullied?
Stay with your other friends. Also it wouldnt be a bad idea to cry. Itl weed out the half hearted people and bring them over to your side.
I dyed my hair light brown from bleach blonde and now I want my blonde back!?
Look you.. Freeze that dying hand. You are damaging your hair. Blonde dyes are bleaches, even at their most gentle. Repeated bleaching damages hair follicles, makes them thinner and less capable of holding dye. So when you do dye, it will fade more quickly. You need to be patient now, and in a few months begin highlighting it back again like your hairdresser suggested. If you are going to dye it anyway because you just can not stand the color (or your mother ideas), pick something darker and very gentle so as to not damage the hair any further. Seems like you're never going to be satisfied with it, so why not go really out there with a deep auburn or wine for the summer. Maybe a funky new cut to add along with it? No more bleaching until Thanksgiving! Set a goal...
Visiting a professional "Mistress" = cheating or not?
I suspect that you already know the answer to this question. Time to own up and be a man. It's your marriage - you need to either sh*t and make it work or get off the pot so to speak. Life is too short for pretending and hurting. Good luck to you.
When did people first appear on earth?
That first paragraph is a brilliant example of logical fallacies. You cannot take two data points and extrapolate so much data from them, nor can you handwave and say that accounts for all effects of war, plagues, ect. Population growth rates are not constant, not consistent, and certainly not something that can be extrapolated.
Question about the career of engineering?
You could try civil engineering which is the building of cities. Or you could go for enviornmental engineering which is an engineering which you construct things to help the enviornment
In world of warcraft whats the best profetion for druid,mage,warlock,etc?
do u have an account yet? if not email me at albert_alar@hotmail.com and ask for a raf a href="http://us.blizzard.com/support/article.xml?articleId=20588" rel="nofollow"http://us.blizzard.com/support/article.x…/a for more info
Intentions in a relationship??? Mature question?
I think that feeling is normal, especially in males. They tend to feel a little down after ejaculation/. I used to during masturbation when I was younger, but I don't feel that anymore. I think they call it a let down.
Is this medical malpractice? Issues before and after delivery..?
To be honest, it's pretty much standard practice for a doctor to do an episiotomy because it makes the risk of tearing far less. Trust me, you don't want her to tear while giving birth. The fact that she got an infection is simply unfortunate. The doctors didn't maliciously give it to her. As for the sagging and other issues, it just simply is one of the many side effects a lot of women have to deal with from having a baby. Many women are turning to l reconstructive surgery after they are finished having kids.
Is Pharmaceutical Science better or Aerospace engineering?
which course should i choose?? pharmaceutical science or aerospace engineering?? i want a bright future with a good pay too...so which will be better?????
Where should he land to reach B as soon as possible?
He should launch at point A and directly row to point B to reach the soonest possible since the man can row much faster than the negligible current.
Crying baby?
my son has been crying for over an hour, it's driving me carzy. i dont think he's colic but how would i know if he was? and does anybody have any advice that i can use to help him be quite and go to sleep?
Soli Deo Gloria - Glory to God Alone!!!?
My experience was when my great aunt ped away. I kept thinking "why did He let this happen"? I sort of drifted away from God at that point. One day I was listening to the radio when I heard about this kid. I don't remember what they said but I remember I felt a chill through my body listening to it. Like you did, I felt a sense of peace through me and all I wanted to do was pray for forgiveness. I wrote a song for my great aunt and I carry it with me at all times reminding me that God works in mysterious ways. It has brought me a lot closer to God now. This is my experience.
Do you think there is any credibility to the prediction that 12/21/2012 will be catastrophic to the earth?
There is mounting legitimate scientific evidence that in the years leading to 2012 the earth may be facing some truely catastrophic events caused by sunspot storms, super volacanic eruptions and the current position of our planet in the solar system. Some of this evidence seems to offer validation to the Mayan prediciton of 12/21/2012 being a time of great change...possibly catastrophic. What do you think? Will 2012 be a time of postive or negative change or will it be business as ususal as has occured during other so called end of the world predictions? Why?
Info on Boyne Mountain Michigan?
My girlfriend and I are thinking about going to Boyne for a little winter getaway at the end of January. I'm just wondering if Boyne Mountain, Boyne Highlands, or Bay Harbor hotel are worth it compared to staying in town at a cheaper place?
I go to a non-profit Vocational training school and need to raise money for our graduation..?
We need a location, decorations, everything and only have a few months to raise money? Does any one have any ideas or suggestions? I live in sacramento, ca. I am writing a letter to send out to local business. (Our school is a non profit organization so donations would be written off when they do there taxes.)
Just Wondering. I Need Youre (NOT RUDE) Opinion :)?
i think because his new and has no friends he probably thinks your nice and stuff and he doesnt know how to start a conversation with you, talk 2 him say hi to him one day.
How do you let go of the one person you really loved?
my bf dumped me 3weeks ago we always sed we were soulmates we had some really bad times and he was very controling he made me think he was the best thing i could ever get and after 3weeks he happy and forgot about me so it seems we were together nearly3years he been a dad to my son and now has gone he dump me for night out wiv his friends he 31 and am 22 then i found out he had been datein a girl while he was wiv me for a fuw months i feel really ill inside i realy hate him but everytime i see him it hurts we work in the same office al i want to do is hurt him and let every1no about his lies and what kind person he really is i just want the man out my head i dnt wnt him back and i no we were wrong but how do i get al the goodtimes out my head cos thats al i can rem i dnt think ov al the bad stuf he put me thro i put on a brave face but really al i wnt to do is cry i even had his name i had tatto on my leg covered over.he cant even look me in the eye at work my heart is really hurtin
Respectful answers only. Does Jesus view this as an effort ?
I have read about the lake of fire. I am a devout Christian. I know it exists. And I know that I still sin, despite how hard I try not to. I am frequently angry, enraged sometimes. No one takes the time to really understand me. That would take months. Sometimes I feel like He is all I have left, and my mental self-discipline seems to have been rendered obselete. I pray to Him silently and in whispers all day, the latter when there is no one around. I plead with Him not to punish me with damnation. I have told Him I'm not perfect. I know He is God, and so whatever I think about Him, whether I agree with His judgement or not is absolutely meaningless. I have actually broken into tears pleading with Him not to damn me forever. I know He said He would forgive all those who repented. It seems I have repented of every sin except anger and occasional lies from fear, or even just embellishing to make something more interesting or funny. I can't seem to free myself from those two. I don't drink or smoke, I'm pro-life, I am fully abstinential premaritally, and I hate offending people, even on accident. I have asked Him to give me the strength. But even with His help, I still fail to be single-sinned, or optimally, sinless. I think to myself everyday, "how far does he expect me to repent?" "Have I done enough?" "What if my best isn't enough?" What if He counts the sins even after you ask for forgiveness? What if you can only ask once, and then any sins after that aren't forgiven? I don't know, and He does not have to tell me. Humanity answers to God, not the other way around. I am more terrified of being damned forever than anything else in the world. There is truly nothing more important to me than knowing my fate for sure. Have I gone insane? Or are my concerns legitimate? Anyone who truly knows please tell me. I'm tired of living in fear.
RuneScape Free-Quest Help!?
I'm doing the Black Knights' Fortress. I got to the part where I have to get into the fortress. Now, I tried disguising my self. I had the bronze med-helm and iron chainbody on, plus some of my other main gear. I tried to go in and they said I wasn't a guard, etc. Then I tried with only the med-helm and chainbody. I got the same message. I waited 5 minutes, then tried again, and still got the same message. I got a friend to help me kill all of the guards, so I could get in. I clicked the door, and a guard from inside gave the the same message. What the heck is going on? I really need to finish this quest for the points. I want Dragon Slayer done, but the requirements are 33 quest points. :(
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Extended unemployment benefits for applicants after June 22nd 2009?
The president extends benefits. He has done so everytime they have come near the end. We shall see if he does it again.
Is it me or... ? just need an opinion, k?
The outfit looks okay, a little over cluttered, but not terrible. Not as crazy about the shoes but they look fine with the clothing.
Help with indoor lighting for plants?
I'm trying to grow some peppers indoors, but I'm having problems with the lighting. I can't afford to pay a small fortune on special bulbs, but I only need to keep my seedlings alive for a few weeks until I can take them outside. Will 40 watt fluorescent (Cool White) bulbs work in a pinch?
Why is it so wrong to mis-speak something about Obama, but it was OK to do so about president Bush?
You know how the libs mis-spoke about Bush such as He lied about the WMD's or Bush went to war for oil. How come that was OK to say stuff like that, but heaven forbid if someone mis-speaks something about Obama, your called names and condemned. I just want to know why?
My chest and back are really sore?
It hinders my breathing a bit. I haven't done anything strenuous in a week or two. I got super drunk on saturday but I can't remember doing anything that would hurt me this bad, I was also drinking with friends and they would've kept me in check. I can't breathe deeply without it hurting. It just feels really constricted and tight. What could it be?
Do we have to get permission to move back to the states?
My wife has custody of our (Not biologically mine) daughter. Her Ex has no custody with no visitation. We have been living in Germany for about 2 years.We had gotten his written permission to move here, due to me being in the military. We are getting ready to PCS to Alaska. Would we need his permission to move there?
Why do Republicans keep talking about Robert Byrd?
Robert Byrd was young then and wanted to see what it was all about. And he has changed. The real proof is in his actions and deeds. He has done extremely well for his constituents. I don't think the others that you mentioned every changed...Byrd did.
What is my 5 week old doing?
My son is 3 1/2 months old now, but when he was about 3-4 weeks old he would always do that. He started on my fiancees stomach and would scoot himself all the way up to his neck because that was where he wanted to be. he got good at it and by 5-6 weeks he could move himself from one side of the bed to the other, and then kinda plateaued he still does the same thing. its so cute (like a little caterpillar or something!) and its funny cause nobody would believe me when i told them. I guess some babies just develop faster than others. LUCKY!!!
I need your help answering these questions...please...?
2. Poe uses words like chilling, envying, killing all invoke feelings of sadness and depression. He also uses words like my darling, my Annabel Lee to help us understand the speakers devotion and love for her.
I'm guessing there just aren't enough 12 year old girls watching NBA™ Basketball these days aye?
a href="http://sports.yahoo.com/nba/news;_ylt=AjzRhCj1Wlc.JiqQ4CusEzS8vLYF?slug=ap-nbaall-starcelebritygame"http://sports.yahoo.com/nba/news;_ylt=Aj…/a
I am looking at going on a catholic pilgrimmage to the holy land then to rome and extend to lourdes, I am a solo traveller so I need to join a group, I NEED TO LEAVE FROM MELBOURNE?
How do i remove coloured varnish off a fire surround?
It will depend on the type of varnish. Water based acrylic or oil based. The chances are that it is oil based and in this case you will need a varnish stripper and some wire wool. Wear rubber gloves and do the job methodically! Don't make the wood too wet when you wash off the stripped varnish.
Why don't the smart alec Liberal commentators read the Health bill if they're so smart?
We must be responsible and not allow others to give information we seek, research then decide for yourself.
Is Bacon on a Burger a Condiment?
No, bacon is not a condiment. Condiments are just one thing that can be used to enhance the flavor of food; not everything that enhances food's flavor is a condiment. For instance, different wines are used to enhance and compliment food, but wine certainly isn't a condiment; bacon falls into that same category. Bacon bits are just bacon, regardless of how they are prepared, so they're not a condiment either.
Is this girl setting us up? BEST ANSWER GETS MAXIMUM POINTS!?
This girl I really like whose locker is right next to mine at school makes me very shy and I hardly ever talk to her. Well, anyway, at the beginning of the year she told me she was looking forward to lunch and study hall with me but then I stopped sitting w/her at lunch after the first day because I felt shy around her and her friends. She used to ask me a lot of questions and smile at me all the time, but now that I've ignored her so much that has gone done a lot. On Monday, on facebook, a friend of the girl I like asked me if I wanted to go to a movie on Saturday with her, katy, rebecca, and a few others. I found it odd because I never talk to this girl or anything, and she is a friend of the girl I like. Well it turns out the "few others" include the girl I really like. Now today at school, the girl I like said "So you're going to the movie on Sat? Well I'm going too, with Jerry(her friend) and then she said "So you're going with Stacy(the girl who wrote me), what's going on with you two? Do you like her?" As she was saying this, she was kicking my feet and smiling and staring at me as though judging my reaction. I really didn't say anything and she said"Oh, you do like her, I'm going to set you two up and everything." Do you think the girl I like is just trying to see my reaction? Also, isn't it kind of weird that the girl I like happened to be one of the "few others" that were coming to the movie? And obviously the girl I like and the girl who asked me to go talked to eachother because the girl I like knew I was going. What do you think? Does the girl I like also like me back and her friend is just setting us up?
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows?
It's not a real copy of the book, JKR keeps the only copy of the mcript not in a printing factory with her at all times, she even got into an arguement with airport security because they didn't want to let her take it with her on the plane...She won.
Why cant u have a pet rhino?
Its fine to have one.where in the world did you hear its not OK to have one for a pet? there swell pets.very loveing and kind. some people give them a bad rap for being rough. but its not that way at all. when you get one. a male. stroke it lightly for a few hours down under it towards the back of the animal. theres this thing that hangs down. take it in your hands and rub it. stroke it. and it will love you forever, I knew this girl that had one. they were practically in love with each other.Good luck with your pet rhino
Teens: What should I do: I never thought this pain while last so many years?
I think that even though it haunts you that it has to become something that either makes you stronger or defeats you. Do not let it defeat you. Use it to give you strength. Look in the mirror every morning and tell yourself "I Love you" Even though it sounds nutso and lame it works. Love who you are. Everyone has things in their past that hurt them but it is the successful and the prevalent that take those hurtful things and use them to get strength. I do not know if you are religious but you can always pray for god to give you strength and courage. It has helped me. Even if every person on this earth told you that you were beautiful you wont believe it till you believe it from yourself.
Any doctors or nurses PLEASE help me!!!!!?
Ok I'm 13 and a girl and play soccer and basketball. My ankles and knees have always hurt me, but recently my Achilles on my left ankle has been hurting after practice alot and my right ankle pops alot and hurts when it does. I was going to ask my mom to take me to see a sports medicine doctor about it but wanted a second opinion first. PLEASE ANSWER!!!!!!!! Oh and if you know any good sports medicine doctors in Chattanooga could you tell me that to please. Thanks.
Updating my computer for WoW Cataclysm.?
I don't have a 220, but a 9800M still runs over 40fps in a battle. 4GB running in Vista. (Running in 7 would probably be better.)
Are the same people who bought into the Iraq WMD'S scam the same ones ?
lol i dont know i thought he looked kinda like a democrat..a rich one ..taking your money with one hand kicking your kneecap with his foot....smiling all the while knowing you are taking an *** ******* on account of him....
Do you have to be good at art to minor in it?
I'm not what you'd call "artistic", however I'm creative and imaginative. I've also always seemed to steer away from art cles because I'm not really one of the artsy people. I'm in college and I sort of feeling a little desperate for some creativity and I'm thinking that taking some art cles, maybe even a minor, would be nice. I just dont know if I'm good enough for college level art cles since I have no experiences. What do you guys think?
Clinton and Obama agree to raise money together for the Democratic nominee?
No, it's not a sign of a dream ticket, because that ticket is a dream only in the mind of Senator McCain. But it is a sign, that when the primaries are over, Hillary will stand on stage at the Convention, urge the party to get behind Barack Obama for president, and give him a nice, big hug. Who knows...maybe she'll get a cabinet position....
Should I start grieving or be waiting for her to recover? 10 points for most serious/elaborate answer.?
it's really not unusual for someone to get confused after being in a hospital especially in ICU for that long and not being able to communicate. i'm sure they're still giving your grandmother some kind of pain medication. and it's hard to tell how long she's still going to stay in the hospital. it is very important to talk to your grandma and tell her where she's at and the date, day and time everytime you and your family visits her. bring her pictures of your family as well and tell her about your day. it will take time for her to realize what's happening with her after all she's been through. but you hang in there and be strong.and i'll pray for your grandmother's recovery.
I need help finding a dama dress?
I'm having a sweet 15 and need help finding damas dresses. I'm having 15 girls and I want the dresses to be diffrent. My theme is a winter wonderland. The dressed need to be in the sliver or grays. Some of the dresses need to be a little bit longer and have sleaves because my friends religion. But others can be short.
idk why but i just feel like punching someone right now. i feel really anxious. i need a cig. but my dam lighter is in my car and im at work so idk if i should go get it or not. and im really hungry but mostly i just feel like goin off on someone yelling and punching something. and i feel like crying too cause i feel really frustrated but idk why. i should be in a good mood and feel refreshed cause i got 11 hours of sleep last nite. but when i woke up i was still tired as ever. im like shaking my legs and i cant sit in this stupid seat any longer cause i feel like i need 2 move around. what you think is goin onnnn?
Considering scientific accuracy where does BIG BANG fit in?
So often I read about scientist having to rethink their position and since some years have ped could some adjustments need to be made?
Don't we all need to hear it?
I kinda don't. I tend to feel that actions speak louder than words, and I don't pay attention to words very much. That said, just because the way you feel is different from the way he feels doesn't make your feelings wrong or invalid. If you need verbal reurance, it's not up to him to declare that you "shouldn't" need it. Seems like a compromise would be easily achieved by you paying more attention, and giving more weight, to non-verbal expressions of love, and by him making an effort to reaffirm his feelings verbally every once in a while.
Why did my computer didn't detect my Creative Zen V when i connect it to my computer USB port?
My computer OS is Microsoft XP Service Pack2..this computer is way back from year 1998..but it was upgraded here n there from time to time by my brother..I juz bought my Zen V 3months ago.
A problem with ISObuster?
Some Sony Handycams are High Def. If yours is it's disks will only play on an HD capable player. Which also means the optical drive in your pc must be compatible in order to read and make a working ISO image. If your disks don't play on the pc then it probably cannot read it properly to make an ISO. Try opening your iso with a different program. Roxio and Nero can open them. Some will open with Winrar. Power ISO is a good one too. Can't make an ISO image of a disk that your computer can not read in the first place.
Where can I buy the first Jonas Brothers CD, "It's About Time"?
Go to Best Buy or your local record store to find the first Jonas Brothers CD. "Mandy" is a good song.
Can You Ace My NFL Football Quiz?
Not a criticism, but just to let you know ... it's "Super Bowl." Proper noun. Two words. I don't know why everyone calls it "superbowl." No one says "rosebowl" or "tostitosfiestabowl."
Need a name for a tunnel, can you help me?
Okay, it's an ancient, mysterious, and possibly haunted tunnel through a mountain range making a very good shortcut! Conisdering this fictional story takes place over 1000 years from now ancient might be called a few years before now ( P. It's gotta be a mixture of medieval and futuristic name (and don't let the slightly haunted affect the name too much!)
Do you like these names?
Ok, get rid of the name Feefee, because no child wants to grow up with that name, no matter how cute you may think it is. Xavier Yenson sounds very cool, but not the best name. Violet Willow is WAY too hippy. Emma Faith is a good name, and I like Ben Carter.
How to make people look skinny with Photoshop CS2?
Hmmm open that file in Photoshop . Select that file than press shift and shrink it by the help of your mouse.
Where did Mrs Cain come from?
Adam and Eve only had two kids, Cain and Abel. Cain killed Able, that left Cain, Adam, and Eve on the whole planet. Where did Cains wife come from? The bible doesn't mention God making any other people, so where did she come from?
Pain is the interval between two pleasures: In pain, we gain, Is it true?
We have seen our lives alternate between pain and pleasure. It is the common experience, whether he is a theist or atheist. But it is also seen pain teaches us mysteriously whereas in pleasure, we stagnate or recede. In fact in pleasure we are siphoning the bank balance but in pain we repay our dues. Whether you agree? Which one we should welcome in life? Pain or Pleasure?
Continuous power surges in home?
USA You use the term power surge, but a surge will not dim the lights. Absolutely call the electric utility and report this. However, if they have not had any power supply problems with the lines or transformer feeding your house, you should call a licensed electrician and have all your power, neutral and ground connections checked. Loose or corroded terminations will cause lights to dim, electronics not to work right, etc... I have found loose neutral connections, corroded connections, and even corroded stabs on the back of main circuit breakers that will cause those problems.
Maths Question - Tks for helping?
Matt, who is often late for appointments, walks up a moving escalator in the train station one step at a time. When he moves quickly at the rate of 2 steps per second, he reaches the top after taking 24 steps. When he is tired, he climbs at the rate of 1 step per second & reaches the top after taking 15 steps. How long would Matt take to reach the top if, on a rare day, he just stood on the escalator?
Is it bad to wash your hands after a strenous activity?
I've had older people tell me that you may speed up painful arthritis if you wash your hands after a strenuous activity such as writing or drawing for a couple of hours or using them to mage. I do mage therapy & wash my hands regularly to avoid cross-contaminiation. I am woried I may be damaging my hands by doing so. I have ony minor aches & pains in the hands from normal wear & tear but am woried that they might get worse. Is there anything medical to back this up? Or is it plainly a superstitious belief? thanks!
Why am i always WRONG?!?
why are you with someone like her? im not trying to be mean or anything but what im trying to say is that you should be with someone more understanding. i really think she's not the only one in your life.
Hi can you plz help me In cl I did not finish a writting report and I did not finish it and I have plans ?
My plans were to go over my best freinds house on Saterday and I have to finish my writting report on Saterday what should Ido?
Why are people so against my enlistment?
I've already enlisted with the Army, as a 92W, for three years. I'm ecstatic and can't wait until my ship out, but...my parents don't think its wise, because they rather I go to college, and then try to get into OCS, and along with friends, who are scared for me, and think I'm acting out a little bit too early and irrationally. Hell, even one of my teacher say he bless our troops, but wouldn't recommend joining the military. This is what I want. I think I'm making the wisest choice I'd ever made. Sorry for the rant. As for question, is it hard to go from enlisted prior to OCS? I know there are some ways to go about, but I want to know how many actually get in.
AR-15 vs Glock 22 & 1911 45acp?
I was going to make another gun purchase and i cant decide if i want a carbine ar15 or a 40s&w glock 22 w/ a 45acp RIA 1911. The Glock and the 1911 will cost about the same as the ar15 so im stuck as to which one(s) i should buy.
Please real answer how can I stop turning guys gay or Bi?
A lot of guys in their teens and early twenties are curious about gay and gay relationships, and having someone who's openly around them can make them want to chance their arm and experiment a bit with both the emotional and physical side of it. There's no way to stop guys reacting like this, all you can do is tell them no firmly when they do come on to you and recognise that in the vast majority of cases after a few months of pining most of them will be happy to resume friendship on a platonic level with you.
WIll the antichrist have a belly on?
Some people think he will arrive on a spaceship, and in the future people will openly embrace ANYONE with a solution to our world's problems...if this sounds far-fetched, remember Stephen Hawking, one of the most brilliant people who ever lived, has concluded that the only way for the human race to survive is to colonize other planets, because we are racing towards destruction...
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
How To Convince My Parents To Let Me Get A Dog?
I am 15 and I wanted to get a puppy ever since I could remember! I know a lot about them and researched about them and told my parents that too. My dad is sort of in-between but my mom is totally against it! She has had 3 dogs when she was little. This was in India, and she told me that in India dogs were able to roam freely everywhere and so it was easier to take care of because of the wide space. I agree because I have been there and there really are dogs every where. But I don't understand why I can't have one here in Canada!! She also say that they smell. Anyways I really really want a dog and every one in my family knows it but no one wants to get me one. Also if this helps, I am choosing to get either a Golden Retriever, American Eskimo(The dog my mom use to have in India), West Highland Terrier or a Labrador Retriever =( any ideas or suggestions would be grealy appriciated!
Is this the way of the female mind?
When Ralph first noticed that his was growing larger and staying erect longer, he was delighted – as was his wife. But after several weeks – when his spam javelin had grown to nearly 20 inches – Ralph became quite concerned, so he and his wife went to see a prominent urologist. After an initial examination, the physician explained to the couple that, though rare, Ralph's condition could be helped through corrective surgery. ‘How long will Ralph be on crutches?’ the wife asked anxiously. ‘Crutches? Why would he need crutches?’ responded the surprised doctor. ‘Well,’ said the wife coldly, ‘You are planning to lengthen his legs, aren't you?’
What are the attitudes towards body hair and the most common methods of removal in France?
So I'll be traveling to France pretty soon, and I was pondering these question. We've all heard of the joke that French girls have hairy underarms, but is that really true? How serious are they about it? I've gotten a complete bikini wax and a leg wax, but I still have some light hair on my arms. Will all the cly French chicks think I'm an uncouth American if I don't banish that? Will all the hot French guys kick a girl out of bed for having hair down there? And how do French people remove unwanted body hair? I have a French-ish friend who uses a crazy depilatory machine thing, and there's that infomercial that says that weird exfoliation thing is all the rage there. I kind of doubt the last part. THANKS IN ADVANCE FOR ANSWERING! :D
Do you believe that going into Baghdad in 1991 would result an insurgency like the 2003 Iraq war?
NO. If we had marched into baghdad at that time we could have put down any resistance taken over the country,established a new club med destination and had unlimited access to oil.
How should I p argv & argc to main when I'm in debug mode (visual studio 8)?
I can p argv & argc as command line arguments when i run .exe file from command line. But how should I p these arguments when I'm debugging my program in the IDE environmetn of Visual studio 8?
Can i get this 8th grader to like me?
I hate when ppl say I'm too young to he dating, lol. I'm in 7th grade. What I would do, is find him on Facebook and talk to him on chat in there. Then start talking to him at school a little, ask him if he wants to hang out some time
Besides exercise, what can cause bad muscle cramps?
I take potium, but I still have bad muscle cramps in arms, legs, back, ocks, feet, hands, etc. I can't find anyplace on the web that has helped with this question. Thanks in advance.
Which of these 15 horror clics do you like best?
the best ones are jaws, nightmare on elm st, halloween, child's play and hellraiser. friday 13th the original sucked but they got better when jason came in. i actually preferred the remake of texas chainsaw macre although the original is still good. the exorcist was ok, but have you seen exorcist the beginning? its pretty damn good. all the rest of the list are just average.
I was just wondering , what are some peoples thought on marc emery & the rest of the BC3?
I for one am totally against the extradition of these harmless canadian to a U.S prison for selling cannabis seed in canada. the D.E.A gain the cooperation of canadian mounty police most likely through fear as the law on cannabis in canada is that of a less stricter policy of the states. well it's ridiculous for the U.S Government is getting involved in other countries/provinces in the first place. besides as it has been shown through the prohibition of alcohol it (prohibition) simply does not work.
Should I remove the doors to the closets in my house?
My roommate (who is mentally ill) opens and closes the closet doors at least 50 times a day (no exaggeration) so I figure there is no need to have doors on a closet if they're constantly being opened and shut so constantly (which will eventually weaken the hinges anyway).
My sony LCD screen cracked while i was cleaning it what do i do.?
On your next set, do like they do for cameras in NASCAR. Get a roll of plastic film that's as wide as the TV is tall, Put roll onto a dowel on one side of set, stretch it tightly across the front of the set to a second dowel on the other side of set. Fit the second dowel with a hand "crank" so you can crank to a "fresh" area of film when it needs cleaning.
93 Le Sabre won't start but have full power to lights and radio?? WTF?
Replace the battery cable with the stripped nut, obviously not enough current is getting to the starter to engage it, all you hear is the solenoid clicking, the battery cable connection needs to be very tight to work properly. You may be able to find just the battery cable end and replace only that, take a look at your auto parts store and see what they have.
Good, riff-centric screamo/. Like Orchid.?
My opinion on screamo music is that it is noise. Plain and simple. But, you could try amazon.com. They usually have good prices on CD's. Or you can buy the mp3 album.
History and current events of Guatemala?
Could anyone point out a link to a brief history and some current events of Guatemala? Thanks a bunch!
Typing and hand-eye coordination?
I am a pretty average typist, and I have a question. I can usually type words without looking at the keyboard, but for some reason when I TRY typing without looking at the keyboard I almost always make mistakes. Basically I have to be unaware that I am not looking at the keyboard to be able to type without looking at the keyboard. To those who understood my words, why does this happen? I'm sensing a psychological answer so I put this in that category
What is exactly a boy's psychology ? plz guide me the best method that my bf remains crazy all the time for me
what is the best way to in a boyfriend girlfriend relationship that the girl has upper hand n the guy remains crazy for her always??? whhat should the girl do to retain that attraction in his mind...is it by being approachable not all the time?? not being available all the time? what will make him call me like crazy even after a quarrel or misunderstanding?? coz when i pleaded him not to quarrel n stop talking to me...he is acting very pricy n has stopped contacting me coz he thinks i love him n will never leave him. this has worsened the situation. what is exactly a boy's psychology???
How many tricep extensions to help banish 'bingo wings'?
Would like to know what number of reps per arm each day one needs to achieve before results are seen.
Can i do a watermelon? Do i have to pay the watermelon? ?
I honesty have never heard of that hadith and honestly have no idea what your talking about because I've never heard it. It sound really nasty.
Is it possible to darken birthmarks?
i have this really cool birthmark that sits on my collarbone so it looks like a necklace pendant n its really light n i have almost the same color of natural tan skin. is there any way i can darken it permanently?
Can I still transfer to a four year university with over 60 credit hours from a community college?
First and foremost: Thank you all for your answers. If I have over 60 credit hours, will colleges not accept me or just only transfer up to 60 of those credits? Is having over 60 looked down upon even if you are willing to sacrifice anything over the limit? I dabbled here and there for a while in school trying to find my niche, was a little terbrained after serving in the military. Thanks again.
Will Bush, the megalomaniac, lash out like a caged tiger when pressured by the 110th Congress?
the prez is going to have a rough time of it in '07. how will he react? In good bi partisan ways or as an abstinent ideological fool?
Why does Sarah Palin encourage the ination of Democratic politicians?
Those who incited the ination are desperately trying to cover their tracks. But their agenda is clear enough.
How can I get internet service for my desktop without having to have a phone line connected?
The cheap internet would be dial-up from the phone company. DSL which is faster and more expensive requires a phone line. The only two ways would be cable and Satellite. Both the Satellite and cable are more expensive then DSL. Check with your local cable provider.
Does either eyelash product to make your eyelashes longer/thicker even work!?!?
I've been using this...a href="http://nuskin.com/corp/product/complements/nutrioeyelash.shtml" rel="nofollow"http://nuskin.com/corp/product/complemen…/a it really works and it's just $26
Women only please help!!?
after my period, about a week later, i will go through this phase of (what i think is) heavy discharge. Like, when i go to the restroom, this heavy clear/white sappy liquid will just hang there. and i have to kind of squeeze or push for it to fall. idk what it is! is it normal?
What do i do when my boyfriend got shot?
well he is 16 and i love him so much but he got shot and i have been up there all moth with him but idk if i should stay with... cuz he is in a gan3 it was a drive by he got shot 3 times 1 in the back in the leg and in the shoulder i have been cryin all week cuz he has almost died 2 times and his homeboy died to so he said im givein up what do i do help me plz thank you
Could a very mature 13 year old handle Saw (movie)?
I'm 13 and am interested in watching Saw. I've seen other scary movies, like Blair Witch, The Exorcist, and The Birds. I've also played rated M games, such as Left 4 Dead, all the CoD games, Fallout 3, Bioshock, and a little bit GTA 4. I really want to watch this movie, but I don't know whether I'll puke or something.
Sharing is Caring, Yes?
Do not be discouraged by today's graffiti...it is nothing like the images of the good shepherd deep inside the catacombs of Rome...
World Of Warcraft Cd codes?
If im making a new account do i have to upgrade the account to every expansion? like buy 3 games over again and for the cd keys? orr can i just buy Wrath of the Litch King and that be enough?
What can be my closing paragraph?
you can also get hurt by innocently going on a airplane ride,or a car ride,ect. Not to mention the toys that children play with(guns,knives, axes, This is life as we know it
How do i stop/repair this erosion problem?
With gullies that deep it sounds as if the land is poorly compacted fill and/or you have a lot of water. You could divert some water away by constructing a French drain, but that's a lot of work. Erosion control blankets aren't cheap, but another consideration. Native gres and wildflowers control erosion, but are not always easy to establish. A good local landscaper could tell you which plants work well in your area. Sod won't thrive if you have a base of hardpan clay or stone.
Monday, January 2, 2012
Im in the dog house!!! Help!!!?
My girlfriend made it crystal clear that I need to book somewhere nice for Valentines Day dinner tonight, have i done it? No!! Oh god please help! Does any know of any nice places to eat in Brighton? Your help would be appriciated. Thanks! :-)
Mean Ole Moron?
I agree, ignore him completely, no answers, just contineously report him. He is not worth wasting time on reading his stupid questions and answering them. REPORTTTTTT
Which phone would you rather have:VOYAGER OR PALM CENTRO?
My palm centro just broke today, so i might be getting my dads old voyager... is this better or worse than the palm centro?
What should we do about our marriage?
My wife and I have been together for 10yrs, only married for almost 2 though.Over the years we've had our share of problems and fights ,but we always seem to work things out.Well long story short a couple years ago a family member of hers upset with me for not going though we a proposition that was made told my then fiancee about it.That caused huge probs in the relationship with me and her as well as her and the family member.I've never cheated on her but she feels like the fact that me and her family member had the pact that that was close enough. A couple other things beyond that also happened, which almost had us not getting married but somehow we mad it through.. Now the issue that we're having isa huge trust issue.She doesnt trust me at all which causes a lot of un-needed friction in the household.I'm a fim believer that in relationships if there's no trust there's no love.Right now we're both confused.We also have a kid together that has nothing to do with our fighting.
My brothers voice is like a fog horn?
when he talks on the phone i am downstairs all i can hear is this deep moantone winning voice, the real sad thing is that he has been talking to this girl for about 10 years now but i dont think he has ever shagged her or met her since uni like 10 years ago im enbarrased for him.. is it just me or is he a bit sad?
C:\cabs folder is not accessible, corrupted and unreadable?
I checked a Windows XP and Vista system and the driver files are not located in the C:\cabs folder. Intel drivers are installed in the Drivers folder in XP.
Yammers' cl, someone is always absent these days...?
...in the person of Princess Kathy! Where is she? She did not post an excuse letter. Anybody who knows?
Do you know any good places to have a party for a middle schooler such as a rink or a park or anything?
I would like a general place not a specific name unless that specifif name is like boomers wor chuck e cheeses which they have everywhere but that middleschoolers don't like kk thanks.
How to counteract brussel sprout bitterness?
I wanted to get rid of some brussel sprouts and put them in a stew. So they made the stew bitter and I'm looking for a suitable way to counteract that bitterness in the stew. Thanks!
How come "terrorists" can't ever figure out that Bohemian Grove in mid-July would be the perfect terror target?
Oh.....yeah....all the worlds REAL "terrorists" would be in attendence and they would never bomb themselves.
Those against Reproductive Rights: What are your "brilliant" ideas for controllin overpopulation on our planet?
There are over 12,000 birth control methods today. From an IDU which can be left in for years, which costs less than $3 to produce but must be removed when conception is desired. There are shots lasting up to 3 months and implants lasting up to five years that don't need to be surgicially removed. Abortion isn't the answer, it's an improper solution to the problem which is pregnancy. Many organizations donate $3 to provide shoes to a child. Shoes that will last less than 2 years. I would like to see the $3 donated to the woman that choose not to get pregnant. Whle I don't think it's right to force anyone into sterilzation, except convicted child molesters, I do think many world citizen's would make the choice to receive an implant if properly educated.
Tired of the physical aspects of relationship wit girlfriend. mor focused on higher atributes but look at
physically not attracted to girlfriend but still want to spend the rest of my life with her. I have considered celebacy for the rest of my life though that doesnt sound fun, but I do enjoy . Am i lying to her and myself? is my indulgence in dis-loyal? should i leave her? she is pregnant, wut do i do?
Becoming a resident to avoid college costs?
I am a junior in high school and i live in Michigan, and i am not fond of it here. I recently took a trip to chicago because my sister is going to college there. I was captivated by the city and would really like to go to a university there. I have already found some colleges that interest me, but they would be much more costly to attend than just going to a university in-state. I was wondering how hard, or easy it would be to just become a resident of the state of Illinois, or would it have to be my parents that became residents. I just don't want to have to pay thousands of dollars more to go to school in a different state and have to be in major debt when i am an adult, like my sister will be doing. Please help. Thanks.
German language help, please?
I'm really confused with all these. Die, das, der, den, etc...I just don't know when to use them, or which to use in a particular context. Can someone explain it to me?
Is there anything she can do?
My sister has just had a photoshoot. The company said, in their leaflet, there was no obligation to buy the photos, but you would not take part in the other section of the photo shoot. My sister got duped into getting the photos, and signed a contract. However she has now realised she cant afford to pay the monthly payments. The contract states its non cancelable. But the part of the form with her details my sister didnt fill in. The women in charge of the photoshoot did and my sister just signed it with out reading it.The contract states that my sister can afford the payments, and the women who filled it in also ticked that my sister has a anual income of �10,000, which my sister does not. Is there anything my sister can do? As she isnt going to be able to pay the payments and is she only 18.
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